Growing Businesses Post Pandemic

With the year-long fog of Covid-19 slowly starting to dissipate giving way to glimpses of light and something resembling normal life, we begin to hear of recovering industries and the re-growth of companies and businesses. One industry stands above the rest when it comes to making a head start on getting back to normal, and that’s travel.

Unfortunately, with new variants lurking and vaccination numbers still low enough to raise concern, international traveling remains to be a goal for another year. On the other hand, U.S. airlines and hotels have been reporting steady increases in numbers which means promising opportunities for businesses whose fortune can once again rely on those from out of town. As marketing companies and suppliers of the materials that pair with plans of said growth, you are able to not only help grow your business, but the businesses who certainly need all the help they can get.

TOP 3 US Destinations for 2021

  1. Las Vegas

With social distancing rules being lifted as of May and having a June goal of reaching 100% percent occupancy once again, Las Vegas is expecting more and more Americans to visit this year. The well-known hotels and their numerous attractions, casinos, and shows are certainly prepared for the wave of vacationers ready to have some fun in Sin City. Events that could use your expertise and skill are scheduled conventions that have significantly less awareness surrounding them. With conventions, and there is a full line up for the year of 2021, there is networking and the need for plenty of promotional products, as well as the possibility of needing these same items to help incentivize attendance. A full line up of conventions taking place in Las Vegas this year can be found here.

  1. Florida

Another U.S. destination predicted to have a large number of visitors this year is Florida. While usual beach-related past times like renting boats, snorkeling, and sandbar parties on the beach are obvious and excellent channels to reach out to with the idea of supplying merchandise for their companies, a surprising study from the state of Florida points to another possible prospect.

According to The Florida Chamber of Commerce, they found, “that 60 percent of net new job gains in Florida have come from small businesses with less than 100 employees,” confirming how important the role of small businesses are to the Florida economy. Small businesses anywhere are extremely good at what they know, which is the service or product they provide, but it is a fact that some owners struggle with growth which most of the time can be translated to marketing. Here is a list of smaller, lesser-known attractions in Florida that might just need the help in securing their own profits from the increase in travelers to their state.

  1. National Parks

Finally on the list, National Parks are estimated to be one the desired places to frequent this year given there are many different options of climates and attractions, as well as plenty of social distancing space to remain safe. Keeping people safe while visiting their parks in the top priority of workers at national parks, but another is keeping the parks clean and the wildlife safe as well. Unfortunately, a larger number of tourists usually means a larger amount of trash left behind, but a growing awareness for global health and an increase in using reusable products means National Parks might have an interest in supplying those items to their visitors in their shops, both online and in person.

This blog post is the first of many to guide you through this ever-changing world including trends, new products and avenues, and how they shape our industry’s climate. Paired with our marketing materials such as downloadable flyers, catalogs, and companion booklets, our goal is to make sure you have more than enough tools to continue growing a successful business.